Blake Zolfo

“WISE* celebrates the performances of artists who are still in the incubating phase of their careers. The Foundation provides much needed acknowledgment for these young artists and even goes so far as to offer small monetary encouragement. This small voice saying “Keep going!” can mean the difference between an actor settling for “plan B” and becoming a wide-spread success.”

Arnie Rodriguez

“In addition to whole-heartedly supporting striving artists and believing in their unfolding careers, the WISE Foundation* has made it possible for me to be an audience member at performances I may have never thought to attend. These are the shows and experiences that have allowed an extension of my education well past college graduation. The WISE Foundation* is kind and selfless, offering invaluable opportunity to see art at a time where we need it most.”


*WISE is now continued via the Davenport International Foundation

Brian Dillon

“In addition to whole-heartedly supporting striving artists and believing in their unfolding careers, the WISE Foundation* has made it possible for me to be an audience member at performances I may have never thought to attend. These are the shows and experiences that have allowed an extension of my education well past college graduation. The WISE Foundation* is kind and selfless, offering invaluable opportunity to see art at a time where we need it most.”

Austin Ku

“I was grateful and honored to be one of the first recipients of a WISE Foundation* acting award, when I was performing at the Boston Lyric Stage while also attending theater school at The Boston Conservatory. The WISE Foundation* award grant helped ease my transition to NYC after I graduated, and I also enjoy the Foundation’s regular theater activities and social events here in NYC. It is a wonderful group of people, and I am glad to be a WISE Foundation award recipient.”